....here's a photo of Kriss and his son...first time I met Kriss was in Puerto Rico, he was wearing a business suit and driving a rented mini-van, inside the van was the largest boardbag I had ever seen...oh no he's a logger I'm thinking, he was a longboarder, and an egg rider, ....this was over ten years ago when everyone was riding little thrusters....i wasn't prepared to surf longboard like waves the whole trip......but as usual I was way off base with my first impression, Kriss could surf!! he surfed like the way you thought you did, until you actual saw yourself surfing on home video... I always thought that the big move, or the air, or the killer turn was all that matter...Kriss proved that wrong, his clean style exposed the fact that turns look like shit if you enter them all herky jerky...smooth surfing between point A and B translated to good looking surfing.....one thing I learned watching him was style really does count for everything....
as we got out of the water he kept bumping into people he knew, and they were calling him by a nickname, shit I thought, this dude's a ringer...later that night I asked what the nickname meant... he said it was short for a local beach he surfed daily as a grom....the dude is named after a friggen surf beach....you can always tell the kids who grew on the beach, there style is sweeter...I grew up in the woods twenty minutes from a rinky-dink ski resort....I battle with style every session...so stoked Kriss will be riding this powderboard wherever heads this winter ...I'm sure his son will be shredding on whatever he chooses to ride too...

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