Its has a wooden sandwich construction wood core, skinned with a super slippery piece of 4000 gallium sintered CLEAR base (ptex) ...the maple wood should keep it plenty strong with flex....

translucent base is epoxied to the core under a severe amount of pressure......... hint of kick in the tail

just have to trim the excess ptex away followed by sealing and gripping, it should be ready for a run this weekend....
production note: I'm currently pressing a mini version of this exact board for Jordan who's throwing a snowskate demo out in Nelson, British Columbia...They're having a city street courted off and covered in snow to hold a snowskate demo, while the winter olympic torch passes thru their town. (on the 23rd? ) Sounds like an amazing time wish I could bail and go, for now I just hope my mini-fish gets finished and shipped out in time..... pics to follow
the local snow up on the toll road by me is still super dry, it has provide so much fun this past two weeks I haven't check a surf report...maybe a dusting tonight who knows
...thanks for checking in
...thanks for checking in
any questions, please email:
Love the teardrop shape of this new board and the fish style tail is retro and probably a bit functional. Makes me think alot of surfing and the innovations that they go through.
ReplyDeleteHave you thought about doing a design like this with the stepped bottom like the one you shipped to france? What if you did something like that on this and added a few channels going from the middle through the back end (or the front)?
Like to hear your thoughts on this!
absolutely love this new design. the lines are stunning. reminds me a little of the forward point surfboards of the mid 70's mixed with an swallow tail alaia. feel like you are really pushing board design into a new(yet old) direction. keep up the great work.
thank you bowhunter, greatly appreciated
ReplyDeleteNick, very interesting, that you mentioned a step deck...I think it would be a very functional powderskate design...I keep thinking about Curren's channeled fireball fish step-deck he rode in macking indonesia (searching for TC movie) makes all the sense in the world, definitely worth a prototype, and the idea of channels up front sounds like a great idea too...all exciting stuff to me...thanks for sharing your input
I was a bit confused on the idea of channels at first but after riding my first trifin board in some good surf I really got into it.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to snow, foot weight distribution and just how we move, I think the idea of channels on the front of the board may add some turning ability, speed, and stability to boards...just a thought. With your amazing craftsmanship I'd love to try any of your creations.