Tuesday, September 29, 2009


..."nice hat"

....RECIEVED a great email the other day from Sean up in Ocean Bluff...

here's a clip of it (Really love this story)

..."Hey Kevin, I have a pretty cool story, so my buddy that I go to...........He made these bars of wax to wax up the bottom of your board, snowskate, skis. Anyway he just did it for fun,... Well make a long story short, he started selling these bars of wax out of his pocket in line for chairlifts and at ski resorts when we go to mountains. so he started making more, made a name for his "company", made a website, and just recently he actually got his wax on shelves at local shops including a surf shop, a ski shop, and he is still talking to another board shop and ski market. So now were actually trying to get this wax out there for fun, so I just wanted to say check out the site, or maybe put a link on your site, that would be super cool. The name of it is Maples Wax. Its actually really cool, I used it on my snowskate all last season.
Hope all is well, I am starting to count down the day til winter,

-Sean "

--thanks Sean
looking foward to testing some out
Here are some links:


Thursday, September 24, 2009

a short GLUE commercial

...this past winter ...after much research, we found a waterproof glue that would laminate our decks as hard as a rock and watertight ...we tested it in the snow, the rain and the slush, whatever conditions we could find... it worked great...this summer we tested it in the highly corrosive saltwater ocean and it held up with flying colors...I used this glue for all the experimental Alaias built, some were treated with linseed oil, and one (the "one") was even left bare (no sealer).....with no issues...

...lately there's been some broken alaia pictures posted ... if you look real close, you will noticed the wood (cedar) cracked on the grain and not on the glue seem...proving glue (laminating) adds strength... here's a quick clip of the broken alaia being surfed less then 12 hours after the glue up repair... its a testament to this stuff.....(the video itself is a testament to poor surfing and terrible point and shoot photography, my apologize's)
board : 6'0 swallow 19.5x.75 100% cedar (no fins, no foam)

Monday, September 21, 2009

the ONE ( nose kick and slight tail kick)




last winter i got interested in Alaias

They appeal to that whole slidely feeling, that bindingless, finless feeling

whittled down one of my early attempts at alaia and gave it a cokebottle shape a la "winterstick"...

..its a work in progress, but should be finished after it has been tested on snow...

I believed that "one" board would be so cool, just slip it into a boardsox and take it everywhere you travelled ..

skate it when its flat,

surf it when the waves come up,

and carve a powder hillside...I still love that idea

however after much R&D with all types of planks this summer, I have mixed feeling....who wants just one board.....i've had so much fun belly whomping on cedar paipos and fiberglass boogies, that i would hate to be stuck with just one ride now..

and even though I don't know these guys personally I'd like to thank wolle nyvelt, adam at floridapowderskates, mark at chillerdecks, and jordan at snowskaters.net, for their insight and willingness to think outside the box. they have inspired many to try a different approach to riding snow, and their hard work is greatly appreciated

Friday, September 18, 2009

Raw uncut ptex (wicked fast stuff)

6ish am the start of a weekend swell

Begin forwarded message:
From: September 18, 2009 6:43:30 AM EDTTo: Kevin <
No sanbar here but u can see swell coming in...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Stormy Overcast 8 am today

...tis the season

the old fingerboard gets a second job...

a belated birthday gift for a serious angler, who gave me my first wetsuit and loaned me his burton performer 140 way back in the eighties (back when snowboards had metal skegs) (i just seriously dated myself..yikes)...
lure is made from three layers of rock hard maple pressed by hand and skinnned with a ptex bottom...i hope the fish can appreciate a sintered base ...catch fish

Thursday, September 10, 2009

purple fins for the foam boogie

very rare for maddie to show her curveball grip.....

the 4'5" foam bodyboard as a quad, soon to be a twin,

...quickly glassed some foam skegs
a pair of mini keels with "canard" like trailers..tested them out monday night, the wave wasn't cooperating, but got the feel of them, not in love with the ride, so I knocked them off and in the process of shaping and glassing foam 'high aspect' fins, gonna keep it a twin...

Monday, September 7, 2009

lots and lots of surf, and some "demo"ing too

thanks Tim..... for these shots from friday night when the winds lighten.

..the board is a 5'7" hydrodynamica "casper" mini-simmons....

Jason sent this pic in early friday morning, pretty sure this little swell rolled in under the radar in the dead of summer...love that.

Demo News:
...last week a group of friends and I rented a trailer and camped out on the beach for four days and three nights...
during that time we got a round of golf in, and tons of surf..
...on opening day of the trip we were greeted to a burly three foot overhead swell
the swell cleaned up late that first evening and for two more days it came in with offshore winds....what a gift..
one afternoon dead in front of the campsite, a super clean, crystal clear chest high wave started to break, everyone loaded up their arms with surf stuff and headed down...
the afternoon turned into a makeshift December Surf demo day...
We had handplanes, homemade alaias, alaia belly boards, the rockaway paipo, pendos, an airmat, and some surfboards (every length and fin set-up imagineable)... it was funny tho, at the site there must have been 8 boogieboards and none of them made it down to the water....I guess wood is the new plastic...there was tons of laughs and miles of smiles... ( I didn't bring my phone so waiting on some pics from my friend) (the airmat stole the show)
on the boogieboard front, I demo'd my foam and glass bodyboard in awesome beachbreak saturday morning, just crumply chest high peaks that got thicker and thicker the further you rode them.. awesome... perfect day to test the new board...the results? went real well, better then expected, even stood up on a few, finless, and it held fairly well.... I'm in the process of glassing on a little quad cluster right now, and hopefully get it in the water shortly..

get info at: decembersnowskates@gmail.com

WINTER 2009-2010 Snowskates
Singles, flat decks, and Powder sticks

Top decks....priced by size

december singles

december singles
.... our single decks are hand crafted and pressed using 8 ply Canadian Maple , engineered with five glide-lock channels that have been "skinned" with the latest technology in snowboard base material; 4000 "Red" Sintered Base with Gallium, to give today's rider tomorrow's speed and performance, now.....

december TOP decks for BI-DECKS

december TOP decks for BI-DECKS
....hand pressed out of 7 plys of hard rock maple. These top decks are to be mounted to the sub of your choice whether its for powder or park...Our decks are available with custom concaves, kicks, and sizes. These decks are best if tweaked to the riders desired dimensions....all truck holes will be pre-drilled..Prices vary upon sizes...

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